
發表日期:2014/05/23    本文瀏覽次數:4,273次
AAmpere安培 (電流單位)
ADCAnalog to Digital Converter 類比數位轉換器
ADSLAsymmetric Digital Subscriber Line非對稱數位用戶迴路
APAccess Point無線接入點
APONATM Passive Optical NetworkATM無源光網絡
APMAssist PM
AQLAccept Quality Level允收品質水準
ASTMAmerican Society for Testing and Materials美國材料試驗協會
ATEAutomatic Test Equipment自動測試設備
ATMAsynchronous Transfer Mode非同步傳輸模式
BAWBulk Acoustic Wave體聲波
BJTBipolar Junction Transistor雙載子接面電晶體
BMEBase Metal Electrode卑金屬電極 (MLCC的材料分類)
BOSABidirectional Optical Sub-Assembly雙向光學組裝件
BPONBroadband Passive Optical Network
CCapacitor ( Capacitance)電容器 (電容量)
CCoulomb庫倫 (電荷單位) (1C=1F x 1V = 1A x 1S)
C0GMLCC EIA Code ClassⅠ TypeMLCC EIA Code ClassⅠ的類別
CARCorrective Action Report矯正預防措施報告
CCMContinuous-Conduction Mode連續導通模式
CIPContinuous Improvement Plan持續改善計畫
CISComponent Information Systems零件資訊系統
CMLCurrent Mode Logic電流模式邏輯
CMOSComplementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor互補金屬氧化物半導化
CMRRCommon Mode Rejection Ratio共模抑制比
CNRCentra Nonlinear Resistor壓敏電阻 (品牌舜全Centra)
CPLDComplex Programmable Logic Device複雜可程式化邏輯元件
CPSCyber-Physical System網宇實體系統
CSDICustomer Service Defect Indentification客戶、服務、缺陷、識別
CoCCode of Conduct行為準則
CPUCentral Processing Unit中央處理器
CTECoefficient of thermal expansion膨脹係數
CTRCritical Temperature Resistance臨界溫度熱敏電阻 (或可稱玻璃態熱敏電阻)
CTRCurrent Transfer Ratio電流轉換比
DACDigital to Analog Converter 數位類比轉換器
DCMDiscontinuous-Conduction Mode不連續導通模式
DCNDesign Change Notice設計變更通知
(Synchronizes Dynamic Random Access Memory)
DFDissipation Factor消耗因子
DFADesign For Assembly裝配性設計 (設計可製組裝)
DFCDesign For Cost成本性設計 (成本導向設計)
DFMDesign For Manufacturing製造性設計 (設計可製造性)
DFTDesign For Testing測試性設計 (設計可測試)
DUTDevice Under Test待測物
DOADead On Arrival貨到客戶端於合約約定天數內損壞
DVTDesign Verification Test設計驗證測試
EAPEnterprise Access Point企業級無線接入點
ECFAEconomic Cooperation Framework Agreement兩岸綜合性經濟合作協定或兩岸綜合經濟合作協定(英文譯名:Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement, CECA
ECNEngineering Change Notice工程變更通知
ECREngineering Change Request工程變更需求
EDXEnergy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer能量分散式X光螢光光譜儀
EPLDElectrically Probrammable Logical Device
Erasable Probrammable Logical Device
EEPROMElectrically-Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory電子抹除式可複寫唯讀記憶體
EMCElectromagnetic Compatibility電磁相容
EMIElectromagnetic Interference 電磁干擾
EMSElectroMagnetic Susceptibility電磁耐受
EMSElectronics Manufacturing Service電子製造服務
EPONEthernet Passive Optical Network乙太網路 PON
ESDElectrostatic Discharge靜電放電
ESLEquivalent Series Inductance串聯等效電感
ESREquivalent Series Resistance串聯等效電阻
EuPE co-Design Requirements for Energy U sing P roducts使用能源產品之環境化設計指令
ErPEnergy-related Products耗能相關產品指令
EVMError Vector Magnitude誤差向量振幅
EVTEngineering Verifiction Test工程驗證測試
FFarad法拉 (電容單位)
F/TFinal Test終測
FARFailure Analysis Report不良分析報告
FMEAFailure Mode & Effect Analysis失效模式與效應分析
FPGAField-Programmable Gate Array現場可程式化閘陣列
GP一般為 Sony Green partner簡稱GP此處說明為Green product 或Environmental Friendly Product
GPIOGeneral Purpose Input/OutputGigabit (高速) 被動式光纖網路
GPONGigabit capable Passive Optical Network通用型之輸入輸出
HALTHighly Acceleration Life Test高加速壽命測試
HSHazardous Substance危害物質
HSFHazardous Substance Free無危害物質
ICurrent電流 (I = V/R = P/V)
I/NManual Insertion手插件
I2CInter-Integrated Circuit積體電路匯流排
IBISInput / Output Buffer Information Specification輸入輸出緩衝器資訊規範
IBPInitial Business Plan初步的商業計劃書
ICEIn Circuit Emulator電路內部仿真器
ICLInrush Current Limit限制浪湧電流
ICTIn-Circuit Testing 線上測試
IDTInterDigital Transducer交指叉轉換器
IEEEInstitute of Electrical and Electric Engineers電機電子工程學會
ILInsertion Loss插入損失
IRInsulation Resistance絕緣阻抗
IRInfrared Ray紅外線
IoTInternet of Things物聯網
JEDECJoint Electron Device Engineering Council聯合電子管工程委員會
kThermal Conductivity導熱系數
LInductor 縮寫電感縮寫
LANLocal Area Network 區域網路
LCLeakage Current漏電流
LDO RegulatorLow Drop-Out regulator低壓降線性電源轉換
LDSLoading sketch drawing零件位置圖
LEDLight-Emiting Doide發光二極體
LHPZLeft Half-Plane Zero左半邊零點
LOILetter Of Intent合作意願書
LTBLast Time Buy最終採購
LVCMOSLow Voltage Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor低壓互補金屬氧化物半導化
LVDSLow Voltage Differential Signal低壓差動訊號
LVPECLLow Voltage Positive Emitter-Coupled Logic低電壓正發射極耦合邏輯
MAC Media Access Control媒介存取控制層
MDAManufacture Defect Analyzer製造缺陷分析系統
MDCManagement Data Clock管理數據時間
MDIOManagement Data Input/Output管理數據輸入/輸出
MEMSMicro electromechanical system微機電系統
MLCCMult-Layer Ceramic Capacitor積層陶瓷電容
MOSFETMetal-Oxide Semiconductor Field-Effect-Transistor金氧半場效電晶體
MOUMemorandum Of Understanding備忘錄
MOVMetal Oxide Varistor金屬氧化物壓敏電阻
MOQMinimum Order Quantity最少訂單數量
MPMass Production量產
MPSMaster Production Schedule主生產計劃
MRBMaterial Review Board材料審查會議
MRPMaterial Requirement Planing原料需求計劃
MSDSMaterial Safety Data Sheet物質安全資料表
M.T.B.FMean Time Between Failure平均故障間隔時間
NDANon-Disclosure Agreement保密協議
NEBSNetwork Equipment-Building System網絡設備構建系統
NMENoble Metal Electrode貴金屬電極 (MLCC的材料分類)
NPONegative Positive ZeroMLCC EIA Code ClassⅠ的類別
NRENon-Recurring Engineering Expense一次性工程費用
NTCNegative Temperature Coefficient負溫度係數
NVRAMNon-Volatile Random Access Memory非揮發性隨機存取記憶體
OAPOutdoor Access Point戶外無線接入點
OCLOpen Circuit Inductance開路電感量
OCPOver Current Protection過電流保護
OCXOOven Controlled Crystal Oscillator恆溫晶體振盪器
ODMOriginal Design Manufacturer客戶設計委託生產
OEMOriginal Equipment Manufacturer客戶設計委託生產
OTPOver Temperature Protection過溫度保護
OVPOver Voltage Protection過電壓保護
PPower功率 (P=V * I =I2R)
PCBPrinted Circuit Board印刷電路板
PCBAPrinted Circuit Board Assembly印刷電路板總成
PCIperipheral component interconnect周邊零件連接
PCNProduct Change Notification零件變更通知
PCXOProgrammable Crystal Oscillator可程式化晶體振盪器
PDDProduct Description Document產品說明文檔
PECLPositive Emitter-Coupled Logic正發射極耦合邏輯
PFMPulse Frequency Modulation脈沖頻率調變
PHYPhysical layer Device實體層
PLLPhase-Locked Loop鎖相迴路
PoEPower Over Ethernet乙太網路供電
PORPower On Reset開機重制
PSUPower Supply Unit電源供應單元 (可簡稱為電源供應器)
P/TPreliminary Test初測
PTCPositive Temperature Coefficient正溫度係數
PWMPulse Width Modulation脈衝寬度調變
QVLQualified Vendor List合格供應商名冊
QoSQuality of Service服務品質
RResistor (Resistance)電阻 (電阻值) (R = V/I)
RFICRadio Frequency Integrated Circuit射頻積體電路
RFIDRadio Frequency Identification無線射頻辨識
RFQRequest For Quotation詢(報)價單
RHPZRight-Half-Plane Zero右半邊零點
RMAReturn Material Authorizations 退貨授權
RLReturn Loss反射損失
RMSRoot Mean Square均方根值
RoHSthe R estriction O f the use of certain H azardous S ubstancesin electrical and electronic equipment)電子及電器設備禁用物質指令
ROIReturn On Investment投資回報率
ROSAReceiver Optical Sub-Assembly光接收次組裝模組
RPSRedundant Power Supply冗餘 (備用) 電源
RTCReal Time Clock實時時鐘
SAWSurface Acoustic Wave表面聲波
SDRAMSynchronous Dynamic Random Access Memor同步動態隨機存取記憶體
SGMIISerial Giga Media Independent Interface串列Giga介質無關介面
SGSmart Grid智慧電網
SISignal Integrity訊號完整度
SMDSurface Mount Device表面黏著元件
SMPSSwitching Mode Power Supply切換式電源供應器
SMTSurface Mount Technology表面黏著技術
SMISerial Management Interface串列管理介面
SFPSSmall Form-factor Pluggables小型熱插拔
SOPStandard Operatiion Procedure標準作業指導書
SOWStatement for Work工作說明書
SPSSource Power Supply(主要)電源供應器
T/UTouch upsolder補焊
TDRTime Domain Reflectometry時間區域反射法
THTThrough Hole Technology穿孔插件技術
TIETime Interval Error時間間隔誤差
TNRToshiba Non-linear Resistor東芝公司的非線性電阻 (壓敏電阻的一種)
TRDTest Requirement Document測試需求文檔
TOSATransmitter Optical Sub-Assembly光接發射組裝模組
UARTUniversal Asynchronous receiver Transmitter通用非同步收發傳輸器
USBUniversal Serial Bus萬用串列匯流排
VVolt福特 (電壓單位)
VVoltage電壓 (V = I x R = P/I)
VaristorVariable(會變的)+ Resistor(電阻)壓敏電阻
VCSOVoltage Controlled SAW Oscillator壓控表面波聲體振盪器
VCTCXOVoltage Controlled/ Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator壓控溫度補償晶體振盪器
VCXOVoltage Controlled Crystal Oscillator壓控晶體振盪器
VDRVoltage Dependent Resistor壓敏電阻
VDSLVery-high-bit-rate Digital Subscriber Line超高速數位用戶迴路
WWatt瓦特 (功率單位) = 1焦耳/秒
WANWide Area Network寬域網路
WDTWatch Dog Timer看門狗 (監視時間器)
WEEEWaste Electrical and Electronic Equipment電子及電器設備廢棄物處理指令
Wi-FiWireless Fidelity無線聯網的技術
WiMAXWorldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access全球互通微波存取
WSNWireless Sensor Network無線傳感器網絡
X5RMLCC EIA Code Class ⅡTypeMLCC EIA Code ClassⅠ的類別
X7RMLCC EIA Code Class ⅡTypeMLCC EIA Code ClassⅠ的類別
xDSLX-Digital Subscriber Linex 數位用戶迴路
XOCrystal Oscillator石英振盪器
XUAI10Gigabit Attachment Unit Interface10千兆位連接單元接
Y5VMLCC EIA Code Class ⅡTypeMLCC EIA Code ClassⅠ的類別
ZImpedance阻抗 (Ω)
Z5UMLCC EIA Code Class ⅡTypeMLCC EIA Code ClassⅠ的類別
ZNRZinc-Oxide Non-linear Resistor氧化鋅非線性電阻 (壓敏電阻的類別)
ZOVZinc-Oxide Varistor氧化鋅壓敏電阻
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